
How can I use the Multi-screen Share function?
a) Make sure the “Multi-screen Share” tool is installed on the computer. You have two ways to install the tool.
1) Connect the computer to your phone via USB cable, select the “Multi-screen Share (PC client)” connection mode on the pop up window. Double-click the disk of the computer to install “Multi Screen Share” tool.
2) Enter https://mde.tclcom.com/ to download “Multi Screen Share” tool, follow the instructions to install the tool.
b) Run the “Multi Screen Share” tool, the interface displays two connection modes.
1) Connected Via Bluetooth: Click “Connect” -> Turn on the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functions on the phone-> A connection confirmation box pops up on the mobile phone, click “CONNECT”.
2) Connected Via QR code: Swipe down to access the quick settings from any screen on mobile phone-> Click “Cast” icon (slide to the left to view it on the second page) -> Click on “Connect to PC” in the upper right corner> Scan the QR code on the PC, click “CONNECT”.
c) After successful connection, smartphone can screen cast a small window on the PC client. Users can operate the phone through this small window, such as answering phone calls, watching videos, transferring files between PC and phone.
Note: This Q&A question only applies to devices with Multi-screen Share function.
Available settings and menus may vary depending on device model and software version.