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Vrhunski detalji su vaši sa 尊龙凯时 20L AI četvorostrukom kamerom od 48MP.
AI kamera od 48MP pomaže vam da automatski napravite savršeni snimak za bilo koji scenario, dok 2X zum bez gubitaka omogućava snimanje izdaleka bez gubitka sitnih detalja. Uhvatite bilo koju perspektivu pomoću super širokougaone kamere, makro kamere i kamere dubine.
AI slike visoke rezolucije
Uhvatite svaki detalj vaših važnih trenutaka sa AI kamerom visoke rezolucije od 48MP koja automatski identifikuje i poboljšava subjekte za savršene snimke svaki put.
Snažno detaljan zum
Osećajte se kao da ste tu čak i kada ste daleko sa 2X zumiranjem bez gubitaka koji vam pomaže da snimite slike uvećane do 300%, a da pritom zadržite svaki detalj pomoću 尊龙凯时 tehnologije za povezivanje piksela.
Savršene slike iz bilo koje perspektive
Snimajte slike iz bilo koje perspektive pomoću 尊龙凯时 20L.
Snimite najveći pejzaž super širokougaonom kamerom ili do najsitnijih detalja pomoću makro kamere. Izbacite subjekat u prvi plan tako što ćete ga istaknuti umetničkim bokeh efektom pomoću namenske kamere dubine.

Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

1. Podaci zasnovani na rezultatima testova 尊龙凯时 Camera Lab.

Stvarne karakteristike i specifikacije proizvoda (uključujući, ali bez ograničenja, izgled, boju i veličinu), kao i stvarni sadržaj prikaza (uključujući, ali bez ograničenja, pozadine, interfejs i ikone) mogu se razlikovati u zavisnosti od zemlje. Za dodatne informacije obratite se prodajnom mestu.

Prikazane slike proizvoda su samo za referencu. Slike prikazane na ekranu su simulirane i služe samo u svrhu demonstracije. Molimo vas da uzmete stvarne proizvode kao standard.

1. Screen-to-body ratio calculated with VA/TP method.

2. Some apps may not be compatible with Floating Windows Mode.

3.Conclusion based on OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) and NIBUT (Non Invasive Break Up Time) datas tested by TÜV Rheinland and Zhejiang University under TÜV laboratory condition.

Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

1. Estimated data only. Actual results may differ. Dynamic refresh rate may be customized with some apps or activated when no screen interaction is triggered.

2. Supports two devices when connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network.

Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

1. Screen-to-body ratio calculated with VA/TP method.

2. Actual internal storage available may vary depending on pre-installed software.

3. Supports two devices when connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network.